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Is Your Business Susceptible to Break-ins and Burglaries?

Is Your Business Susceptible to Break-ins and Burglaries?

Wednesday, 25 September 2019 13:48

If you are a business owner or manager in Wilkes or Iredell County, NC, or somewhere in the surrounding area, you have chosen a great place in which to invest. Our foothills and piedmont communities are second-to-none in the state. We have industrious and innovative residents. For example, Wilkes County residents helped produced recognizable names and brands like Lowes Hardware, Lowes Foods, NASCAR, and the Carolina Mirror Company. Iredell County is now a hub for NASCAR and Lowes Hardware, and in both counties and throughout the surrounding area there are reputable small businesses, restaurants, trades, and artists making our area proud.


If you have poured your heart and soul into your business, you do not want to risk a burglary or break-in. Yet, despite how safe and neighborly our communities are, many area companies are unfortunate targets of theft. In this article, we will discuss how you can determine whether your business is susceptible to burglary and what you should do about it.

Is Your Business Susceptible to Break-ins and Burglaries?

There is no quick-fix guarantee that your business will not become the victim of a burglary or break-in, but thieves are looking for the lowest hanging fruit. You will not likely be burglarized by an Oceans 11/12-style heist. Chances are, if you are the victim of burglary, it will be by someone who determined your building was an easy target. Some questions to help determine if you are susceptible include:

  1. Who has the keys to my company? Chances are, key holders are people you can trust. However, if you suspect there is a key out there that is in the hands of someone you don’t trust such as a former disgruntled employee, or you cannot account for every key and key holder, it is time to change the locks and redistribute keys to current trustworthy employees.
  2. How is your curb appeal? If you have a warehouse or facility that does not require quality curb appeal to attract customers, it is still important to keep up with the landscaping and exterior conditions of the buildings. A building that appears unkempt is a beacon to a potential burglar.
  3. Where is your expensive stuff? Do you have expensive equipment and materials near the window or door? If so, you might be calling burglars off the street to try and swipe your goods.
  4. Can patrolling officers see your expensive stuff? Though you do not want to put your expensive equipment close to accessible doors and windows, you do want it to be somewhere patrolling officers can see it.
  5. Who has your safe combination? If there are many hands with access to your safe, you may be susceptible to break-ins and burglaries.
  6. How is your lighting? A well-lit parking lot is kryptonite to a potential burglar.
  7. Do you have a commercial security system and cameras? Security systems and cameras are one of the most effective deterrents for potential burglars. The risk is too high for most criminals, so those cameras and that signage is likely to steer them away from your business.

How Can I Make My Business Less Susceptible to Break-Ins?

It is not just a matter of your property. Making your property as safe as possible helps you and your employees have peace of mind. You can make your commercial property safer by following these steps:

  1. Install a security system
  2. Install security cameras
  3. Light up the parking lot
  4. Account for all keys
  5. Make sure multiple people are on campus at all times
  6. Install glass break detectors
  7. Install door and window sensors
  8. Install access control
  9. Install motion detectors
  10. Trust your company’s security to the experts

As a business owner, you know the value of expertise. Trust your business security measure to the experts at Integrity Security. We are committed to making sure you are as secure as possible from break-ins and burglaries. Contact us for more information about commercial security systems and other measures to give you peace of mind.