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burglarThe holiday season often brings an abundance of generosity as the season inspires many to be a little kinder. However, not everyone sees the holidays as a time of giving. For burglars, the holidays are a season of taking. 

As homes fill up with expensive gifts and houses left empty for holiday travels present opportunities for intruders who are looking for easy targets. 

This season, keep your home and family secure by practicing holiday safety procedures that can help prevent an unfortunate incident that could ruin your holiday season.

Keeping Your Winston-Salem Home Secure

As burglars decide where to strike, they consider the appearance of the home first. A home that looks empty will make an easier target, especially if it seems the tenants will be gone for a while. Maintaining a live-in look can keep intruders from breaking in. Ways you can do this is to have a neighbor collect your mail, newspapers and check on your home.

Holiday home safety is best accomplished with help. Enlisting assistance in watching over your home will pay off. Alert your neighborhood watch that your home will be empty while you are on vacation. This will allow them to give your house a bit of extra vigilance. 

Consider having a home alarm system installed. Security systems provide the benefit of professional monitoring while you are away. Security companies offer affordable plans and holiday specials for homeowners to take advantage of the added holiday safety while they are gone. 

Your home is designed to keep intruders out; however, many simple factors can compromise your home’s security, including poor locks and insecure windows that make it easier for a burglar to enter your home. Upgrade your locks on your doors and windows, keep the Christmas tree and presents away from the windows, and use an outdoor outlet for Christmas lights to properly lock a window.

Holiday Security in Winston Salem, NC

There’s a home security system for every lifestyle, budget, and need that will do more than keep you and your family safe and secure but also give you peace of mind and can even keep you connected to your home wherever you are. Our products are easy to operate for every member, providing a level of convenience and confidence in the user experience.

 At Integrity Security, we believe in getting to know you and your home individually. One of our experts will identify areas of risk and offer solutions on how best to help protect yourself. 

We work with numerous home alarm customers in Winston Salem and in the Triad area, aiding them in safeguarding their property. With a range of surveillance security systems and home automation, we will ensure you and your family are safe with 24/7 monitoring. 

These highly-trained home security experts are always on standby, ready to help to send help to your home in the event of a burglary, fire, carbon monoxide event, or other emergencies. 

There’s still time before the holidays to have a security system installed. Integrity Security’s home security systems and home automation are a convenient, affordable way to secure your home for the holidays. 

Contact us for more information about how we can help keep your holidays full of merry