Thinking about switching your phone service? Just a decade ago, 85 percent of US households had landlines. Today, only 6.5 percent are landline only, 39.4 percent have both landline and wireless, and the majority - 50.8 percent - are wireless only. While going wireless only can be a great decision in terms of convenience and cost, what does it mean for your home security system?
It's surprisingly easy to choose a bad security company. You may not know all the questions to ask, and not everyone claiming to provide “security” is fully prepared to give you the best protection or service. When you first start looking at a security company, look at their social media and online reviews. These are places where you can see what kind of service a security monitoring company delivers. Are people happy with their service? Or are they constantly complaining?
Beyond this, there are a number of important questions to ask the company directly. Below are the most crucial questions - and the reasons why it’s so crucial to ask them:
Alarms typically cover doors, but these aren't the only points of entry to your home. Someone intent on breaking in will frequently look to the windows first. The locks on windows are often easier to break, and windows are not as likely to be alarmed. What's the best way to secure these weak points in your home security then?
Make Sure Your Holiday Season Is a Safe One: 14 Tips for Home Security
Friday, 08 October 2021 12:47It is once again the most wonderful time of the year. Families in the piedmont and foothills have had a challenging twelve to eighteen months. Last year’s holiday season was fraught with canceled and postponed parties and get-togethers.
Many will be making up for lost time, traveling, and seeing family and friends every chance they get.
‘Tis the season… to make sure your home and family are safe and fully protected. While the holidays are a time of good cheer, you also face a heightened risk for break-ins, theft, and winter-related issues like fire and carbon monoxide exposure.
Don’t put a damper on your celebrations; with some preparation, you can make sure that you enjoy happy — and safe — holidays.