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How to Avoid Setting False Alarms

Tuesday, 08 February 2022 18:45

False alarms or the activation of an alarm system that garners an emergency response when the situation does not warrant it are a big concern to emergency personnel. They can tie up phone lines and use vital resources that might be needed elsewhere. 

Many counties and towns have municipal ordinances specifically for commercial and residential alarm systems. 

Installed systems that repeatedly give false alarms can see fines ranging from $50 per offense to $200 in larger towns and cities. In some cases, you may have the ability to report to the police or fire department revoked. 

If a security company offers a monitoring service, they will generally waive any fine received due to installation or hardware error. But accidental and user error alarms will still incur a fee. 

Church Surveillance Do’s and Don’ts

Tuesday, 07 December 2021 15:21

Spiritual life is a high priority for residents of the piedmont and foothills of North Carolina. Whether you are driving through big cities like Charlotte and Winston-Salem or smaller rural towns like Statesville and North Wilkesboro, you will see many places of worship. 

From brick buildings with white steeples to ornate stonework to metal buildings to storefronts, congregations meet in all kinds of structures.

While there are many different styles of edifices, there are several things local churches have in common. They meet to worship God, honor their traditions, and serve their communities. The local church (building and people) represents community, peace, refuge, and hope. 

Homeownership is one of the greatest investments families can make in their future. A home is not only an important financial asset; it’s a place the people you love the most will make memories and grow. 

Your home should be a safe place, a refugee from the pressures of school and work. Unfortunately, there are people who want to take some of what you have. 

When your house is burglarized, it can shatter the peace of mind your family should have. Knowing what items are most likely to be taken during a burglary can help you understand your risk of a potential break-in. While you might assume thieves are searching for big-ticket items, that is often not the case. 

Here are some of the most common items stolen by burglars. 

This has been a challenging last few years for businesses. In addition to the concerns you have had about keeping your family and staff safe, owners and managers have had to try to figure out how to reach customers and clients through periods of social distancing and lockdowns. 

In our area, we have seen corporations, and small businesses find innovative solutions to not just survive but thrive. By making it through the first few months of the pandemic, many businesses have found new life and momentum from the influx of people who have moved to the foothills and piedmont. 

The Carolinas have been one of the fastest-growing regions in the country since 2020. 

In some ways, the world has returned to normal, but in other ways, it may feel like there is no normal for companies. Nevertheless, it is not time to rest on our laurels. We still have to find ways to move forward and keep up with all other aspects of running our businesses.