Preparing for a disaster is difficult to prioritize among the church's list of priorities. However, being prepared for the unexpected can save valuable church time and lay the groundwork for a quick response to an emergency or disaster. Natural catastrophes such as tornadoes, floods, or earthquakes are examples of disasters.
When it comes to the safety and security of your family and belongings, a good home security system can provide you with peace of mind. That's why the vast majority of people who own them insist they're worth every penny. However, if you're thinking about getting one installed, you may be wondering what the average cost of a home security system is.
We all want to think of our churches as places of safety and security from the often chaotic world. Unfortunately, the nature of having a large group of people increases the risk of a health accident and complicates responses to emergencies.
It is vital to be proactive in ensuring the safety of your congregation.
While home invasions have been steadily declining for the past decade, burglary is still very common in the United States. There are, on average, two home burglaries every minute, with a cost to homeowners of about $2,000 per event.
Not to mention the mental cost of knowing your home is insecure.